Athletic Programs

Athletic Programs

Movement & Games

Movement and games are an intrinsic part of the RWS curriculum. In the early grades, games classes are taught by the class teacher and the Movement Arts teacher. These classes focus on cooperative games that foster class community. In the lower grades at Waldorf schools, we focus physical games on movement, coordination, and non-competitive teamwork. In addition, all students participate in biking classes from Early Childhood through 8th grade.

In 5th grade, students are taught how to run, wrestle, throw the discus and javelin, and perform the running long jump. They then participate in the Greek Pentathlon with students from regional Waldorf schools. Physical education classes in the Middle School have included instruction in dance, yoga, and archery as well as introducing competitive sport.

After School Sports

Students in grades 5 through 8 are eligible to participate in after-school sports. Soccer is offered in the fall and spring and basketball in the winter to any enrolled student.


RWS has a middle school soccer team for students in grades 5-8.  There are no try outs but players are expected to attend the majority of practices and games, give coaches, players, referees, and other teams respect, and bring enthusiasm and interest to the sport. There is a seasonal fee of $50 – $75 which includes a jersey. All players need to have their own cleats, shin guards, black shorts and black socks. 5th graders may be invited to play in some games at the coach’s discretion. 

Practice Schedule

The 5th grade practices are Wednesdays 3:15-4:45 pm and 6th through 8th are Tuesday and Thursday 3:15 to 4:45 pm on school grounds. Games are played Fridays at 4:30 pm. The fall season runs from September through November. The spring season runs from mid-March through mid-May.


RWS has a middle school basketball team for students in grades 5 through 8.  There are no try outs but players are expected to attend the majority of practices and games, give coaches, players, referees, and other teams respect, and bring enthusiasm and interest to the sport. There is a seasonal fee which includes a uniform. All players need to have their own shoes, knee pads, and basketball.

Practice and Game Schedule

Practice and game schedule for Fall 2024 to be announced. The team practices Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:15 to 5 pm in the gym at RWS. Games are usually on Fridays. The season runs from late November to late February.

Go Gnomes!

Richmond Waldorf School