Beyond the Classroom

Waldorf education was founded during a unique and critical time in history. In the aftermath of WWI, Rudolf Steiner created an education which honors the human spirit. The impacts of COVID-19 have been felt across the globe. During this unique and critical time in our history, we continue that work to adapt and provide a safe and quality curriculum that stays true to our identity as a Waldorf school.

RWS is currently offering on-campus instruction. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic affected all schools in the Spring of 2020, we began our Distance Learning program, taking Waldorf education beyond the classrom. We implemented and adapted our curriculum, holding these principals for our work with students, parents, and colleagues: 

  • Community – We value the strength of our community in its whole and in its constituent parts: the parents, the individual classes, the teachers, the students, the board, and the administration. 
  • Collaboration – Although farther apart in distance, we must work more collaboratively than ever. We appreciate the support of the parents as they move into a new role in their children’s education.
  • Consistency – We are creating a new rhythm to meet the children in this new situation. We continue to develop teaching that is developmentally appropriate, artistically engaging, and academically challenging.

Improved Distance Learning Guidelines & Expectations

We have taken into account many suggestions and concerns about distance learning and reviewed our approach over the spring and summer. For the 2020-2021 school year, enrolled families may opt for “At Home Learning”, so  that their child receives a Waldorf education while learning remotely. The RWS Pedagogical Task Team created guidelines and expectations for delivering distance learning, should we need to use that method again. Please see below links to review these documents.


A Glimpse into Waldorf: Beyond the Classroom

RWS Beyond the Classroom video


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A message from our Director of Administration, Andrew Ross, announcing our 2030 Strategic Path! RWS families— check your email for links to the full document, as well as the Parent Feedback Survey and Innovation Funds Application!

#waldorfeducation #rva #waldorfelementaryschool #waldorfmiddleschool #waldorfearlychildhood

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“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we honor the life and work of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. We continue our commitment as educators to foster critical thinking skills and the development of character in our students everyday. ❤️ #martinlutherking #waldorfeducation #waldorfelementaryschool #waldorfmiddleschool #chalkboard

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We’ve rescheduled our Walk Through the Grades Open House for Thursday, January 16! Prospective families as well as our current Early Childhood families are invited to register for this walk through grades 1 through 8 classrooms. Class teachers will be available to answer questions. Feel free to drop in for all or part of the event, and focus your attention in grades or middle school! Questions? Contact Alexandra Mazères at and RSVP through the Ravenna hub ...

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Today is the last day for family participation to count towards an invite to the Pajamas and Pancakes Party! 🎉🥞 Some classes are SO close, be the final push and get your pledge or gift in tonight to earn your class it’s invite! Donate online at or email Alexandra Mazères at to be counted! ...

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“The lifeline of Waldorf has been invaluable for our family. I feel that we get a good balance of Zoom time and self/parent-instruction time and am thrilled by how well our teachers have adapted…..I commend Mr. Trostli, Ms. Mac, Ms. Baranova, Mr. Thornton, and Ms. Walker for keeping the kids engaged, and for being a familiar, loving presence in our home.”

—RWS Parent

Richmond Waldorf School