All interested 6th, 7th, and 8th graders can come out for the team. Practices are Mondays and Wednesdays 3:15 - 5:00 on the RWS field. Please wear cleats, shin guards and comfortable practice clothes. Bring a water bottle.
In the Gymnasium
The Sixth Grade will perform A Wrinkle in Time in the Gymnasium
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, parents will provide the faculty with hearty snacks prior to the Faculty Meeting at 3:30pm.
Join us as the 6th Grade performs A Wrinkle in Time at 5:30 pm in the Gymnasium, followed by a potluck dinner.
RWS will join over 50 local community groups at Explore the Outdoors! We will be facilitating children activities. Sunday, May 20 -- 1 - 5pm at Huguenot Park (10901 Robious Road, North Chesterfield, VA 23235)