Family friendly board games and community! Bring your favorite board games or card games to play, and we'll provide pizza. Bring a side dish or dessert to share, if you'd like.
10:00am PCWS+ v. RWS 11:00am RWS(G) v. CWS(G) 12:00pm PCWS+ v. CWS 1:00pm RWS(B) v. CWS(B) 2:00pm Basketball Skills Contest RWS & CWS & PCWS 3:00-3:45 Mixed Boys game (no scoring) Coaches ref? 4:00-4:45 Mixed Girls game (no scoring) 5:00pm- *Closing Song from each School? *Closing Verse- End of Day Verse from your School? *Each Team in line […]
5th Grade field trip: Richmond Symphony perform Prokofiev's "Peter and the Wolf."